RCA Sports Club
This year RCA will be doing something a little different with our sports program. There will be three different sports offered at RCA during the 2013 – 2014 school year. This is open to students in grades 3rd – 8th who have a minimum of a “C” average in all subject areas.
Soccer was from Oct.-Nov. 2013, Volleyball is from Jan.-Feb. 2014, and Basketball is from March-May 2014.
Each sport will be an introduction to that sport, teach the basic skills, allow for drill and practice sessions and then provide scrimmages among our own team members. Due to our young members, we will not be playing against other schools.
There is a $25.00 fee for each sport that your child may wish to play. This fee to help cover the expenses of sports equipment needed to play. We have designed a “RCA Sports Shirt” that will be used for all three sports. This shirt will cost $10.00. If your child plays more than one sport, they will only need to purchase one shirt.
For more information on each sport, please visit our programs page.
All fees need to be paid PRIOR to a student beginning the sports club. T-shirt orders need to placed as soon as the student is enrolled in their first sport. Once shirts have arrived, they will be delivered to the student. Any questions regarding RCA’s Sports Club can be directed to Mrs. Kent in the school office.
Please print and fill out the page below and return to your child’s teacher to sign off on it, then it needs to be given, with the fee, to the front office.